So. Donald 'Friend of Epstein' Trump is back in the White House- or will be, anyway. What do we do now?
Unfortunately, the answer is almost exactly what we've been doing- kind of.
I'm going to get crucified for this, but we need to reach out more to liberals and moderates- and reach out more generally.
I know we all enjoy ragging on liberals and moderates for the things they belive, but you catch more flies with honey, etc etc.
Conservatives have a multibillion dollar media empire that exsists to expose even people who avoid political content to conservative BS.
We will have to make do with grassroots efforts.
Gods willing, this will make the Democratic party realize that their death grip on institutionalism is going to kill them.
I know it feels like everything is falling apart, and maybe it is, but I'd like you to remember something:
I'm not going anywhere, and you shouldn't either.
The work will be hard, and long, and it may seem impossible now, but it will be done. We can make things better, and I hope everyone reading this lives to see that.